Saturday, November 6, 2010

Laughing is My Favourite!

6. A photo that makes you laugh...
Just absolutely ridiculous, that hat is as old as me, and she is a weido;)
Soooo, maybe a bit awkward...embarrassing, but you know it's totally funny.  They are odd, but that's okay, isn't everyone a bit odd? 
Not only is this a funny photo but, but it reminds me of some funny events. 1. hitting my head super hard on the baggage compartment, and having to ice it with my Starbucks iced coffee. 2. people thinking we were under the age of 15 and not old enough to sit in the emergency exit. 3. my first experience peeing on an airplane. 4. my Marky Mark magazine, I read the same article about 30 times. 5. the male flight attendant, and the garbage incident. Also we look ridiculous- Nicole is slight asian, I look slightly drugged, and Candace, well, she's just Candace;)
Photo booth with Grandma Carol, and really anything you do with Grandma Carol is bound to bring a laugh!
And last, but not least, I would say this picture of my class tops it off. We all look a bit special needs, but you know what? We are awesome!

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